Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Weekly Dinner Plan #12

It's been a holiday season full of dessert, take-out, travel, guests, being a guest, and restaurants. I'm trying to re-acquaint myself with my kitchen and I'm trying to cook "clean" which is a fantastically malleable word. To me it means "not a bag of chips" and "not acquired from a drive-thru" which makes it super easy to say, "I'm cooking clean!"

Some people would say that it actually means no grain, no dairy, no meat, i.e. GPs The Clean Plate book which is absolutely chock full of beautiful pictures of seed crackers and the author in bikini bottoms and turtlenecks. You can hate yourself and know that you could look exactly like her if you would just commit to eating seeds for 30 days, but you can't because you are weak.

Full disclosure: I've only briefly leafed through the cookbook at the book store. I'm sure it's amayzing in practice. I just felt too self-conscious buying Gwyneth-food porn in public.

Here is what I'm making this week. And I'm sorry for not including pictures of myself in a bathing suit.

Monday: Roasted Whole Chicken, fresh baked bread, and Kale Caesar Salad (a bag o')

Tuesday: Tomato soup and Grilled Brie and Pear Sandwiches

Wednesday: Steak and Smashed Potatoes and Salad (bag, butofcourse)

Thursday: Pea Pancakes with Smoked Salmon

Friday: Truffle Papardelle and Sauteed Green Beans
*note: it's hard to get your hands on white truffle butter so I stock up on Trader Joe's Black Truffle Butter whenever I see it and we find it is perfectly yummy.

Saturday: Mother-in-law's Beef Stew with Cornbread

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