Friday, August 13, 2010

Chicken Pillows!

you know what they say, "you can relocate the girl out of the midwest twice from coast to coast and quadruple her cost of living, but you can't pry that canned cream of mushroom soup out of her hands."

this recpie comes from my dear fellow cow-girl Liz.

Chicken Pillows, they do a heart good when casserole is just too farm-y but you crave something non-local, non-organic, and with just a hint of transfat.  ENJOY!

2 packages crescent rolls
1 block cream cheese
2/3 c. mushrooms
4 tbsp margarine
2 c. cooked chicken, diced (4 breasts)
1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup
bread crumbs

Roll out dough, divide into rectangles (4 each roll) and seal
perforated lines.  Cream margarine and cream cheese. Add chopped
mushrooms. Put spoonful of cheese mix and few pieces of chicken onto
each crescent roll. Fold the sides of the rectangle together and crimp
edges to make a pillow. Brush each pillow with melted butter then
cover with bread crumbs. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes, until golden
brown. Heat soup with a little milk to use as gravy. Makes 8 pillows.

 So as you can see from my comment below, we went from chicken pillows to one big chicken comforter (aka pie).


  1. so i only had 1 can of rolls and no mushrooms, so i used a pie crust in a pie pan. to the cooked chicken i added one finely chopped zucchini, stirred in cream cheese and 1 tsp vegetable stock (really packs a salty punch).

    i sprinkled shredded mozzarella cheese to the bottom of the crust, poured the chicken zucchini mix in, topped with load of fresh spinach then topped with the unrolled can of crescent rolls. on top of that i sprinkled feta cheese. yummmm.

  2. ...oh and i served the mushroom soup in a syrup/gravy dish deal.

  3. makin' these for dinner tonight. why are you not food blogging anymore??? i use this more than i use f-book.
